  1. Calon Y Pobl

This EP crosses the boundaries of style and genre to achieve a unity based on its Welshness and its spiritual lyrical content which owes much to Buddhist though and concepts. Calon y Pobl the title track is a totally stripped back recording which features just two sounds: Roy's voice and his Welsh harp which very rarely makes it on to a recording. This song in particular captures the feeling of the area in which Roy lives, Solva, in Pembrokeshire, West Wales. This area which is in a Coastal National Park , is renowned for its beauty. The Welsh language which has deep ancient roots, is still spoken in this area and the traditions of singing and harp playing are kept alive in local festivals called 'eisteddfods'. Calon y Pobl reflects the 'ysbryd y werin' or spirit of the people in this beautiful rugged part of the world   The other two songs Amser a Cariad (Time and Love) and Gweddi (Prayer) are both new versions of songs Roy originally recorded in English and released of the bi-lingual Chaozmos album. The instrumentation here is much more contemporary and reflects some of Roy's other work as an electro artist under the pseudonym "dRedzilla'. Styles come and go but a song can last the test of time. All these songs reflect an uplifting, spiritual approach to life. Roy's parents both spoke Welsh and ,like a rare species of plant or animal,, every language has a unique beauty.. Singing these songs in Welsh was like an offering to the culture of music in the land of his childhood. Gobeithio fod chi'n mwynhau! Hope you enjoy!


Calon y PoblPalu'n ddwfn mewn daear Calon y poblMaen trysor mwy gwerthfawr Nac Aur neu ArianPob calon yw tlwsBob amser fod i'w barchuPalu'n ddwfn mewn daear Calon y poblByddwch ffeindio y gostyngedigAc ystwyth yn ysbrydCalon gall gymryd oll y poenA dod nol brwydroTrafferth ddaeth a trafferth aethA fel 'na maeT'modYmdrechwnA wedyn tyfwnA'r Gyfraith NewidRho'r bwer i lifoPalu'n ddwfn mewn daear Galon y poblEto ffeindiwch wenwynMwy marwol na cancrMae anwybodaeth, dicter a gwancOnd gallwn i orchfyguCalon y poplDdal Nefoedd ac UffernNid dim ond problemauY datrysiadau hefydTynnwch i godiA gweithiwch yn galedHyd ein calonau Trwy wenwyn i foddionTeimla'r llanw drosdo tiCalon pawb a baich yn rhyddHeart of the PeopleDigging deep in the soil ofThe heart of the peopleThere's a treasure more preciousThan gold or silverEach heart's a precious gemTo always be respectedDigging deep in the soil ofThe heart of the peopleYou'll find both the humble andResilient in spiritA heart which can take all the painAnd spring back fightingTroubles come and troubles goAnd it will always be that wayYou knowFirst we struggleThen we growAnd the Law of ChangeGives us power to flowDigging deep in the soil of The heart of the peopleYou'll find too a poisonMore deadly than cancerThere's ignorance anger and greedBut we can overcome themThe heart of the peopleHolds Heaven and HellNot only the problemsSolutions as wellSo lift yourself upAnd try just a bit harder'Til broken hearts findTrue healing of mindFeel it flow through you and mePeople's hearts can set us free