One Energy


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One Energy

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Electronic dance music with a positive message.

One Energy, the new single from Conscious Vibe Electronic Dance artist, dRedzilla, is a move from the hard ass drop style of Dubstep to a more pop orientated House style. The message reaches out to challenge everyone to realise their connection to everyone and everything and to understand that inner

Electronic dance music with a positive message.

One Energy, the new single from Conscious Vibe Electronic Dance artist, dRedzilla, is a move from the hard ass drop style of Dubstep to a more pop orientated House style. The message reaches out to challenge everyone to realise their connection to everyone and everything and to understand that inner change, changes the whole world of each person. One energy stretches past barriers of gender or race to a place where all people and cultures are respected, fostering a world of unity through diversity.

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    One Energy

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